BBQ Pork Sandwich, Fresh Veggies and Tater Tots

When you find pork shoulder for .99 cents a pound, well, it’s a no brainer…scoop it up and then figure out what to do with it.  In this case, it’s slow simmered bbq pork sandwiches with lots of fresh veggies and some fun tater tots. The leftovers will be abundant, so what a deal!

Simmered Pork BBQ recipe:

Pork Shoulder (4 medium pieces or about 3 lbs) – $2.98
2 bay leaf – pantry*
1 tsp garlic powder – pantry
1 onion chopped – .65 cents
1 heaping tablespoon Paprika – pantry
1/2 container of BBQ sauce (your choice) – $1.00
1-2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp pepper – pantry

COST:  $4.63

*Pantry items are very cheap at $1 stores and discount food stores.  Shop these places to stock up!

Combine meat and all ingredients, EXCEPT BBQ sauce, into a large pot.  Cover meat with water, just to top of meat and bring to boil.  Keep covered, reduce to slow simmer and cook for 3 hours.  After it’s all cooked, meat will fall apart. Remove meat from heat and drain liquid.  Shred meat and remove any excess fat.  Place shredded meat into fresh pot with some of the cooked onion and add BBQ sauce of your choice. Bring to very slow simmer and let cook for 5 mins or so.  Serve warm.

Tater tots:

I don’t know why, but tater tots are just yummy! We try and get them on sale for about $1.5o a bag. You can fry them in oil or bake them to be a little more calorie friendly, but remember, they’re tater tots, so add a veggie tray for the health factor.

Veggie Tray:

Veggie trays can be made of whatever you find in the grocers or farmers market affordable.

Bag Baby Carrot – $1
1 cucumber – .33
1 red pepper – .50
5 stocks celery –  .75

COST: $2.58

Don’t forget the BUNS – $1.19

A simple, but vey tasty meal for 4. GRAND TOTAL: $9.90

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