Beyond Cheap

Broiled Alaskan Halibut with Roasted Tomatillo Sauce

Do you know an Angler? You know, a fisherman or woman (I’m not sexist). If you do, don’t be shy. Make sure they know you will take any and all extra fish they catch. Free is free and fresh is fresh. Free, fresh, fish. That’s what I’m talkin’ bout!!! By […]

Double Chocolate Chip Muffins – Melt in your Mouth!

Oh how I love cocoa. Hot cocoa, chocolate stouts, cocoa crispies. Pretty much anything that has that deep, dark chocolate flavor. Nothing over sweet, just rich in taste and deep in cocoa goodness. Hence….Double Chocolate Chip Muffins. Great with or without frosting! You know which way I prefer, but I […]

Lunch is a meal too! Simple Chicken & Broccoli Soup.

I know it’s so easy. Just get that can opener and whip out that Campbell’s soup. Add some milk or water, stir and heat or, even worse, microwave it. All hot! Perfect. Slap it on the table with some crackers and bam! Lunch. Well, one of two things can happen, […]

Jamba Juice at home. Really? But how much?

Every Wednesday, our ritual has been to visit the library, stop for a Jamba Juice and enjoy a book and a smoothie in the sun. Today, the gal at the counter mentioned we could make them at home too. Say what?  Seriously? This weekend, we’re doing a taste test. Sort […]

Black-Eyed Peas, Homestyle Biscuits & Citrus Salad

Everything is better with bacon, including black-eyed peas. This is a very simple, very easy recipe, but believe me, it rivals that of many, many other more complicated. Sometimes, simple is best. This is a down home dinner that will stick to your ribs and make you want 2nds or […]

Ice Cream Cake goes old school – $2 bucks!

OK. Who remembers ice cream logs? Not the overpriced Baskin Robbins rolls, but the ones they sold in the grocery store. The simple ones. The cheap ones. OMG! I loved those things. I always asked for that instead of a cake and ice cream separate. Something about the mixture that […]