Orange, Ginger, Honey Muffins and Honey Butter

Orange, Ginger, Honey MuffinsMy brother’s tree is just overflowing with Oranges. They are also on sale everywhere I go. If you find yourself with too many oranges, add some honey and ginger and whip up some delicious muffins. With a little homemade honey butter, you’ll have yourself the perfect snack!

Orange, Ginger, Honey Muffins:

2 cups all-purpose flour – $.75
1/4 cup honey – $.50
2 Tbsp prepared, ground ginger (1 Tbsp if fresh grated) – $.25
3 Tbsp. sugar – $.20
1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (approx 2-3 fresh oranges) – $.75
zest of 1 orange
1 Tbsp. baking powder – pantry
1/2 tsp. salt – pantry
1 egg, slightly beaten – pantry
1/2 cup milk – pantry/fridge
1/3 cup vegetable oil – pantry

COST: $2.45

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Fill muffin till with cupcake cups.

In a large bowl, sift flour, baking powder and salt. In a separate bowl, combine the egg, honey, orange zest, orange juice, sugar, milk and oil. Once liquid is fully combined; add to dry ingredients all at once!

Stir quickly, just until dry ingredients are moistened. A lumpy batter is a good batter! Using a spoon, fill liners about 2/3 full and top with cinnamon sugar or plain sugar dusting. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.

Homemade Honey Butter:

1/2 cup butter – $.35
2 Tbsp honey – $.15
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon – pantry

Simply cream everything together well! Spoon onto wax paper or plastic wrap and roll into small log, refrigerate till hard and serve on hot muffins. I keep mine in a small glass bowl with lid in the fridge. We use it with many different toasts and bread. Yummy!

COST: $.50


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