Kid Friendly

The Infamous “Hardee’s” Mushroom and Swiss

For those of us on the West Coast, Hardee’s is practically non-existent these days. But when I was a teenager, growing up in Ogden, Utah, Hardee’s was “the” place to hang with friends, cause teenage mayhem and eat till our bellies wanted to burst. Until I moved to San Diego […]

Pepperoni Pizza Puffs and Chicken Tender Salad

I was skeptical of this recipe, but I like Rachael Ray and this sounded like something the kids would love! And they did. They weren’t the only ones. Daddy has been bugging me to make more and add different ingredients. I think this is one to experiment with. Thanks Ms. […]

Big and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

I make my cookies BIG and I laugh when the recipe says, “makes 36”. Whatever! Me? I think one cookie should hit your tummy perfect. I also think chocolate chip cookies are simply perfect for making ice cream sandwiches and there are no “mini” sandwiches in my house! That said…if […]

Musubi with Egg and Shoyu Shrimp Ramen

I grew up with SPAM!  I mean, we had it for breakfast, in place of ham or on a sandwich instead of bologna. I love it, but I know people who say, “no way”! Well, those people need to give SPAM Musubi a try!  If you’ve never had one of […]

Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn

The perfect afternoon snack! And, it’s perfect for your budget too. One bag of Jiffy Pop or other uncooked popcorn kernels at Costco or Smart n Final is right around $3 bucks. That one bag would make enough popcorn to fill your bathtub! Stop wasting money on processed popcorn packets. […]

Chocolate Chip Cocoa Crispy Treats

I will admit, I was simply trying to use up a small amount of Cocoa Crispies (off brand, Cocoa Diamonds) left in the box and this yummy treat was born. They came out so good, now the family wants these over the regular kind. They even want these over s’mores. […]