Jamba Juice at home. Really? But how much?

Jamba Juice "at home" kits

Every Wednesday, our ritual has been to visit the library, stop for a Jamba Juice and enjoy a book and a smoothie in the sun. Today, the gal at the counter mentioned we could make them at home too. Say what?  Seriously?

This weekend, we’re doing a taste test. Sort of a Jamba Juice head to head competition.  Recipezaar’s homemade version vs. Jamba Juice’s “at home” version. Taste and cost, shall determine the winner.  If Jamba can do it cheaper and better than Recipezaar’s version, I’ll buy “at home” kits by the case and we’ll have smoothies 3 times a week!

As for Wednesdays, we’re still gonna stop for our smoothies after the library.  Some things are just worth splurging on.  And some foods are just better when someone else makes ’em. And drinking smoothies and reading books in the sun is just too perfect!

Homemade Strawberries Wild:

1 cup apple juice – $.40
1 cup frozen strawberry (freeze your own and it’s even cheaper, but I used bagged) – $.75
1/2 cup frozen banana (mush and freeze fresh banana) – $.50
1 cup non-fat vanilla frozen yogurt (buy in bulk) – $.50
1/2 cup ice

Pour apple juice in blender. Add strawberries, bananas, frozen yogurt and ice cubes. Blend till smooth. This makes 2-3 servings.

COST: $2.05



  1. Ann-Marie Valdez

    I am volunteering to be one of your taste testers this weekend. LOL!

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